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Pay and Play - Best Top Up

Who is the Strongest Team in RON?

22 Januari 2021
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RUMBLE TOURNAMENT is our way to give a new activity for RON players with the most competitive aspect in a team-based (10 vs 10) arena battle!

After the merge server, you will have to make a party with at least 5 members from each guild (maximum of 10 players in a team) to reach the limit BP of 5.000.000 per team. The sooner you form a party, you will have the chance to buy TOURNAMENT TICKET with a special price in the EARLY BIRD tickets!


For every ticket you purchase, each team will be given a Participant Package that consists of:

- 1000 Blue Diamonds
- 50 HP Syrup·A
- 50 Purple Signet
- 20 Life Stone
- 20 Pardon Stone
- 20 Lucky Badge

Remember that each team must only consists of two characters in same class. So, in a team of 10 members, there will be exactly 2 Archers, 2 Warriors, 2 Priest, 2 Mages, and 2 Assassins. It would be a tight and massive battle!


The registration will be open soon, and you can only purchase the tickets through official website PAYANDPLAY. Please check the Terms & Conditions Page before purchasing the ticket.