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Vertical Videos: The Game-Changer for Content That Sells like Hotcakes!

17 November 2023
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Unlock the Secret to Viral Success with Vertical Videos


Technological developments and advances in the current digital era have encouraged a shift in trends from forms of content presentation that were initially 'comfortable' with landscape videos but are now being shifted by the existence of vertical videos.


Based on previous years, we are still comfortable with exposure to landscape videos via TV shows, computers or in cinemas. However, the proliferation of social media use is starting to change the perception of conveying information through vertical videos presented in the palm of our hands (read: mobile phones).


This trend shift is increasingly in line with the trend of technology companies starting to focus on developing smartphone-based products, with the concept of 'mobile-first'.


What is meant by vertical video?


Vertical video, or often called portrait video, is a type of video that is presented vertically in full-screen (read: portrait) mode with optimal exposure via our mobile device.


In fact, making vertical videos is nothing new in conveying information content, but at that time the use of cellphones was not as widespread as it is now and was not very sophisticated. So, among the majority, making vertical videos is labeled amateurish and unpopular.


Gradually its use became increasingly synonymous with a number of social media, especially in mid-2012, when Snapchat attracted the attention of a young audience. Then several platforms such as Instagram Stories (2016) and Facebook Stories (2017) were born in succession.


Until finally the TikTok platform officially became widespread in 2017, which drastically popularized content creation with vertical videos.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Vertical Video


The massive ownership and use of mobile phones in the world has automatically increased the performance of vertical video as a presentation of information that is faster and easier to access directly from the palm of our hands. What are the other advantages of vertical video viewing?


1. Even though watching videos with a landscape view is clearer, research claims that 60% of people will hold their cellphones vertically to enjoy content or information via the internet.


2. From a marketing perspective, advertisements using vertical video have been proven to increase product recognition or people's memory of an advertisement.


3. Vertical videos will fill the entire screen without leaving empty space on your cellphone display.


Apart from the several advantages offered by vertical video, conveying information through this concept also has disadvantages, including:


1. Less friendly with PCs and laptops
For those who are still more active in using laptops or PCs, they will definitely feel less comfortable enjoying vertical videos because the display is smaller and empty on both sides.


2. Does not cover a large area
The frame of the display also becomes narrow so that viewers cannot see the surroundings of the video, so it gives the impression of incomplete content.


Marketing Practices and Ideas with Vertical Video


For those of you who want to switch and start being creative with vertical videos and want to market them optimally, maybe some of the following practices and ideas can help you.


1. Exploration of Human Emotions

One of the best ideas in creating vertical video content is to explore human emotions with stories that move every level of society.


For example, National Geographic broadcast 'The Story of a Face' via its IG channel, with a touching story about the youngest person to receive a face transplant in the US.


2. Show Uniqueness and Expertise

Our content must be able to build user trust by showing uniqueness and skills that are useful to them, such as providing tutorials related to things that you are good at or do every day.


Demonstrate a product or main method that you often use in front of the camera in a close position. Users will better appreciate the level of detail presented in the video, making it easier for them to understand.




This trend shift is increasingly in line with the trend of technology companies starting to focus on developing smartphone-based products, with the concept of 'mobile-first'.


Moreover, its use is increasingly popular on various favorite social media platforms today. In the past, vertical videos were often used as selfie media, now with more diverse content you can reach a larger audience.


What you need to remember and must apply is that even though the majority of users will enjoy your vertical videos, there are still a handful of people who use landscape-based media, so always create flexible video content both vertically and landscapely.


Good luck and hopefully your content sales will get bigger!