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The Strangest Election Ever in the World

30 Oktober 2023
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General elections (Pemilu) should be an important and sacred event to determine leaders or power holders so that the process is very careful so that people do not make the wrong choice later.

Strangely, from the facts below, it turns out that unreasonable things still happen in the election process in various places in the world. What's the strangest like?

1. The Most Influential Rhino in Brazil

It happened in Brazil, around 1959, many people opposed elections but because it was mandatory they put forward all kind of strange candidates.

Including Cacareco, a female rhino from the Sao Paulo zoo, who was elected with the most votes of 100 thousand votes.

2. Choose the 'Cleanest' Candidate, A Baby Powder!

This is a proof of how strong influence of advertising in the city of Picoaza, Ecuador (1967), which raised the slogan 'Vote for any candidate you like, but if you want freshness and cleanliness, just choose Pulvapies'.

As a result, the majority of people chose this baby powder product, of course because it was the 'cleanest' candidate in their city!

3. Clowns Elected to Enter a 'Clown Parliament'

Some people often express disappointment with a group of parliamentarians who they think often display ridiculous behavior that makes them feel embarrassed, like watching a clown act.

Therefore, the public then nominated a clown figure who did not have a higher educational background to become an official member of parliament. The clown figure also received 1.3 million votes, which is twice as many as the closest competitor.

4. Reserve Village Head is More Favorite

A single candidate for the village head election felt that he had to invite another resident as his competitor and so that the village residents could carry out the election correctly.

Who would have thought that this 'reserve' candidate actually won 58% of the residents' votes, even though he never intended to win and happened to be elected as the new village head.

5. Win the Election and Lead from Heaven

Actually, this case is more of a tragedy because he died after consciously registering as an election candidate and going through all the processes, right up to the moment of election.

Earl Wood, a resident of Florida, was 96 years old when he died, so it was quite risky to continue participating in the election process. Because he felt challenged by the other candidate, Earl continued his campaign until finally winning with 56% of the total vote.

So, which election event is the strangest in your opinion?