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The Golden Age for Children to Learn New Languages

23 Agustus 2023
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Hi Bibalala Parents,

Parents often ask at what age their children are more optimal in receiving English lessons. Based on the theory of Erik H. Erikson, a psychosocial figure, regarding the education and abilities of children at an early age, is more developed because the brain is still flexible, and easier to absorb a new language.

A further explanation is that elementary school (SD) children aged 6-13 years are the golden period of learning a language other than their mother tongue (first language). In this golden age, the area of ​​the brain that regulates language skills seems to be experiencing the most rapid development.

Elementary school children's abilities in cognitive processes, creativity, and divergent thinking are in optimal condition. Based on the brain imaging technology research at the University of California, LA, children between 6 to 13 years old are at the right time to learn a new language.

It shows that learning a new language will not interfere with a child's linguistic performance in any language. There is no evidence that the first language will be problematic if learning the second, third, and so on because the middle school phase has cognitive flexibility and increased concept formation.

Elementary school children can understand foreign languages ​​as their mother tongue in the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Therefore, elementary school-age children are biologically in a golden age to learn English as a second language.

Children at Elementary School are also more inclined to speak English than Indonesian. The problem is children are more motivated to learn English than Indonesian so their mastery of Indonesian is worse.

Ainna Amalia FN, Psychology Lecturer at IAIN Sunan Ampel, also said eliminating English from the elementary school curriculum is not the best solution. The problem is on the side of the child's attention and interest in Indonesian. So it needs improvement to make it more interesting for the learning process. The methods used must be varied and fun learning media.

On the other hand, English is also an essential skill for our generation in the globalization era. That is what BIBALALA wants to achieve by educating children at an early age with English lessons that are effective yet can also be entertaining. Come and check our website for more details!