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Be a Successful Content Creator, Avoid These 5 Silly Mistakes!

06 Maret 2023
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Seeing some of the successful content creators who can earn so much money, most people and probably you must have dreamed of the same thing. Especially now, the opportunity to become a content creator is widely open with very promising business opportunities.

There is a long process to become an accomplished content creator, and it also requires high consistency and commitment. There are also a few who have it all, are still not successful.

So, we would like to recommend for you before getting involved in the world of content creators, start to realize and try to avoid the these 5 silly mistakes that bother novice creators.

1. A bad move beginner

Many new content creators want to do everything instantaneously with big results expectation, while forgetting the basic steps. We can categorize this as a bad move beginner where they do not double checking their content.

Always make careful planning from the start of preparation to the creation stage. Sometimes we only focus on the quantity of content and don't pay attention to the quality. This will obviously have a bad impact on all your content work and may have a big impact in the future.

2. Unprepared Content Ideas

A good and well-prepared content should have its own value to be accepted by the general public. Usually, content creators will plan content ideas carefully and according to research or analysis beforehand.

Unfortunately, some novice content creators spontaneously create the content they think about without a clear concept of idea. So that the results seem messy and do not give value to the audience. This will definitely affect the audience who watch it.

3. Talk too much

Each content creator may have a different style of delivery, according to their own ideas. However, don't get off track from the basic rules in creating content. One of them, don't create content with long-winded talk concepts and have no value in it.

As a result, your audience will quickly feel bored and uncomfortable with your speaking content. If this is the case at the beginning of the content, surely the audience's attention will decrease and it is likely that they will not return to watching your content.

4. Lack of Uniqueness

Many successful content creators carry their own uniqueness as something special that makes their audience always remember it. As your personal branding and content, uniqueness will really help in the acceptance of your content in the general public.

Apart from being a differentiator from other creators, this can increase promotion for the content you create. That reason underlies that an accomplished content creator must be unique. At least, this can increase the target audience even more.

5. Wrong Target Audience

The last silly mistake that novice content creators often make is falsely determining what should be the target audience for your content. The term is 'wrong address' and always target the right audience.

Without the right target audience, your content will not reach people who really need it or will appreciate your content more. As a result, your content will not be glanced at and will fail to gain high insight. Consider the target audience you want to reach!

It seems trivial and small things but these five silly mistakes above are very likely to limit yourself to the success you want to achieve as a content creator. Prepare your best content to the fullest!