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Support Smart Kids by Identifying Their Learning Styles

24 Februari 2023
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Hi Bibalala Parents,

One of the easiest ways for parents to support their child's process of becoming intelligent is to identify their favorite learning style and apply appropriate learning methods. Just like a person's fingerprint, each child's learning style will be unique and special!

Formally in school education, we only recognize the linguistic learning styles applied by teachers and then children adapt. Apparently, there are at least 7 favorite learning styles that encourage children to accept academic content voluntarily.

Well, now the question is, what kind of learning style do our children have? It should be realized that every child may have a mix of learning styles, but only one will be dominant. Master and apply the supporting forms of that style in any new subject matter or information they want to learn.


Children with their favorite learning style through visuals are very dependent on the things they see in real terms. Usually this type of child will catch new information after they see a visual form; for example in drawings, photographs or sketches.

Children will use their 'mind-eyes' to realize the concepts seen in the brain and imagine these things in a more complex way. Provide course material with color codes or arrange it in the framework of the structure of a particular topic.


This is a learning style that is more inclined to physical movement and tactile sensors. Children will use their bodies and all the five senses they have to capture new information. Children of this type have a lot of energy and are easily excited!

They are also often difficult to just obey orders, so they prefer their own activities. The way to support it is through role-playing methods, flashcards, 3D models, building frames, fidget spinners, or other interactive things.

3. AURAL LEARNING STYLE (auditory-musical)

Children will be more able to receive new knowledge by listening and reading aloud. They also enjoy learning with the sound of music in the background.

Children from this group are very adept at distinguishing tones, rhythms, and sounds. The best approach to them is through songs, videos or podcasts.

4. SOCIAL LEARNING STYLE (interpersonal)

The learning process from children with an interpersonal style can only go well through the results of exchanging ideas with fellow children, or parents. They must be accustomed to group work or study partners.

They already have the ability to socialize well with the people around them, and enjoy social interaction regarding new things for them. Train their abilities through various group work and various social activities in real life.

5. SOLITARY LEARNING STYLE (intrapersonal)

The opposite of the previous learning style, the intrapersonal type really avoids communicating with other people. Children with this type prefer to process new information independently.

They will more easily catch a lesson when alone rather than having to do it with a group or study partner. The form of support we can provide is to provide more freedom or support facilities such as diaries or journals.


Linguistic children are more eager to voice or express what they know to others. They will express topics that they understand through good speech and writing.

This type of child often excels in matters of reading, writing, and telling stories. We can further support it with a collection of beautiful rhymes, worksheets, puns, acronyms, and more.

7. LOGICAL LEARNING STYLE (mathematical)

The mind of children with a mathematical learning style is very logical. They will absorb new knowledge after knowing the details and facts of something.

Some of the things or topics that they really enjoy are logic, reasoning, and numbers. Accuracy and a calculating attitude will bring them proficient in mathematics and natural sciences.

So, we already know some of the learning styles of children, which one roughly describes your child? Have we implemented the best and suitable method for them? Come on, start educating children from an early age so that their future will be brighter!