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English Curriculum Level from Cambridge for Children and Adults

18 Februari 2023
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Hi Bibalala Parents,

Just as the Bibalala applies the English Cambridge curriculum, we want to provide a little explanation to you regarding the levels of lessons for children, or even adults.

1. Cambridge English Level for Kids

Cambridge English proficiency levels for children are divided into 3 levels namely Starters, Movers and Flyers. All three are arranged sequentially from basic to advanced levels. Parents, please be careful before registering for the certification exam for children.

a. Starters Level

This beginner stage is the first level in the Cambridge English proficiency suite. The target is children aged 7 to 8 years. Starters level learning materials revolve around the ability to speak and write in English about familiar topics in everyday life.

In Starters Level, children have the opportunity to complete the material for 45 minutes, which covers the following three aspects:

- Listening Topics, consisting of 20 questions (for 20 minutes)
- Reading & Writing, consisting of 25 questions (for 20 minutes)
- Speaking Topics, consists of 4 parts, each of which is 5 minutes in duration

To make it comfortable for children at the early stages of accessing English, this beginner level test is designed to keep it entertaining with lots of animations. Through this test, children are more confident and more interested in learning English.

b. Level Movers

This level's material is designed for children between the ages of 8 and 10. The proficiency test revolves around topics aimed at helping children improve their foreign language proficiency.

The children were given about 60 minutes to complete the following three tests:

- Listening Topics, consisting of 25 questions (for 25 minutes)
- Reading & Writing, consisting of 25 questions (for 30 minutes)
- Speaking Topics, in the form of 4 short questions, each of which lasts 5 minutes

c. Level Flyers

This is the highest level of Cambridge English for children. The participants were children aged between 11 and 12 years.
When learning a foreign language to this level, children can communicate confidently in many familiar situations. They also better understand the meaning of simple sentences and can give verbal instructions.

At the Flyers level, kids must pass 3 tests in 72 minutes:

- Listening Topics, consisting of 25 questions (for 25 minutes)
- Reading & Writing, includes 44 questions (40 minutes long)
- Speaking Topics, consists of 4 parts, each of which is 7 minutes long

2. Cambridge English Level for Adults

Cambridge English materials for adults cover 5 levels namely KET, PET, FCE, CAE, and CPE. Here are the explanations at each level:

a. KET: is a beginner level for teens, students and adults. At this level, users can introduce themselves and answer questions about themselves; Understand simple English sentence patterns and phrases. As well as being able to communicate in English at a basic level.

b. PET: equivalent to B1 level by European benchmark. After reaching this level, users can write emails, letters, read newspapers, and communicate in English on various topics.

c. FCE: from the European reference scale, users who reach this level will be equivalent to a B2 degree. At this level, they can communicate fluently in English with topics of daily life and work environment.

d. CAE: This Cambridge English level is equivalent to IELTS 6.0 – 7.9; European C1 and TOEIC 600 – 750.

e. CPE: the highest level of adult Cambridge English assessed as equivalent to a C2 degree by European standards. After reaching this level, the user can communicate fluently in English like a native speaker.

3. What is the main reason for kids in taking the Cambridge English tests?

Parents need to understand their children's level of English, and help them improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Registering your child for the Cambridge English level assessment is very important and necessary. It offers many benefits such as:

- Help children develop 4 skills in English comprehensively. As a result, children's learning and approach to English will be more effective.

- The test is divided into 3 levels: Starters, Movers and Flyers which are suitable for every age of the child.

- Exam materials are designed in a fun way to help children have more interest and motivation in learning foreign languages.

- When participating in the Cambridge English exam for children, all participants receive a certificate issued by the Cambridge University Examination Board.

- Through these tests, children will feel more confident when using and communicating in English.

- Taking the Cambridge English exam is an effective method for children to achieve international standards. As well as creating a springboard for children to develop better English in the future.

There you have it, a summary of Cambridge English levels for children and adults. Parents can refer and register their child for the exam so that their child develops a comprehensive level of English.