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Kepahiang Signs Bibalala MoU for Kids Get Smarter Early

16 Februari 2023
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Bibalala is coming soon to Sumatera, to be more precise in Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province. After going through several stages of the previous presentation, the Education and Culture Office of the Kepahiang Regency Government is convinced that Bibalala is an appropriate English learning application for school-age children, including children at the Kindergarten education level.


Head of the Kepahiang Regency Education and Culture Office, Nining Fawely Pasju S.Pt, MM, expressed her pleasure to be able to work with PT 8 Elements in procuring Bibalala for children in Kepahiang so that they are better prepared to welcome the digitalization era as it is today.


"Alhamdulillah, we are the pioneers of using Bibalala in Sumatera, which means that children in Kepahiang will learn English faster and their future will be more secure," said Nining Fawely Pasju, after signing the MoU in cooperation with PT 8 Elements, Friday (02/10/2023).




This is one of the most recent concrete evidences that the Kepahiang district government has initiated in the form of an educational program so that it is evenly distributed to all levels of society in one of the best quality coffee producing regions in Sumatera.


"We (PT 8 Elements - red) really appreciate the Kepahiang Regency Government who have noble goals and want to facilitate school-age children to get the best education from an early age," said Dian Soraya, New Business Sales and Marketing Manager of PT 8 Elements.


This step of cooperation certainly opens a wider opportunity for Bibalala to be used more as an ideal English learning app for school-age children to receive high-quality but still fun tutoring so that their future is increasingly guaranteed.