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Expensive Course Fees? Use This Guide to Help Kids Learn English

20 Januari 2023
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Outside the formal classes at school, kids are still able to learn English without spending a lot of money on expensive course fees.

English is now something that children must learn from an early age for their future. Maybe some of you may have the funds to help your children learn by enrolling them in the expensive English courses. However, if you are tight on budgets, it doesn't mean you can't support your kids learning English!

If you are determined to help your kids learn English on their own at home without taking courses, then there are a number of things you can do from now on.

1. Learn by the songs

Many English tutors mention that music is a great way to get kids's attention, and help them memorize new words without causing stress. Most children like songs and can easily remember something through music.

So, start turning on songs in English that are suitable for your kids and sing along with them. After listening to the song, you can discuss the meaning of each word.

2. Make is a habbit to learn English

The best way to teach children to learn English is to practice every day on a special schedule. Create certain time for kids to use English, so do you. It doesn't take hours, just 15-30 minutes for elementary school age.

Short and regular study sessions are better than long and irregular ones. Make the session fun to keep the child engaged. If your knowledge of English is also limited, you can study with your children. Don't be shy!

3. Play and learn

Children have been shown to learn better when they are having fun. Therefore, involving games in the process of learning English is the best way. You can make flashcards, or play scrabble and crossword puzzles with your child to practice their English.

4. Read comics together

If your child is a little older, comic books in English can be a great way to teach him English at home. If you are confused about where to start, then you can try Marvel comics and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. These two stories can be a starting point for kids learning American-English and British-English.

5. Watching YouTube (with content for kids)

On YouTube, there are also many tutorial videos available for learning English which can be accessed easily and for free by children. Look for a YouTube channel for learning English that is suitable for children. After that, make a special schedule for children to learn through the videos.

6. Use it frequently on daily conversation / activities

Television, radio, and YouTube shows are now full of English words and sentences. While listening to it, you can invite the child to repeat the word while slowly learning its meaning. Later you can also mention these words in your daily activities.

7. Create your own stories

Writing stories in English is a fun activity for children who have high imaginations. This activity can be done with older children with a vocabulary that may be more diverse.

After the story is written, you can invite the child to read it aloud. When the child reads the story again, he or she will recognize the new vocabulary you added to it. If your child runs out of words, don't be shy to open a dictionary or Google Translate.