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This Beautiful Actress Admits BIBALALA Helps Her Child Learn English

21 Desember 2022
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Hi Bibalala Parents,

Lan Phuong, a well-known beautiful actress from Vietnam, has a child who is still 4 years old but is very fluent in communicating in English. Lina, the name of Lan Phuong's child, does not take courses but only learns using the English language learning application, BIBALALA.

"Because of my busy work and film shooting, I don't have enough time to teach her to learn English. Lina is still very young, I don't want to force her to learn. What's more, from personal experience I understand that children need comfort and affection in order to be able to maximize his language skills. So, I decided to use a learning application that applies learning and playing methods in a balanced way," said Lan Phuong, who shared his testimony with other parents.

Lan Phuong admits that he gathered information from colleagues and saw many parental reviews in various community groups, until he finally found the leading online English learning application in Southeast Asia based on the Cambridge curriculum that combines intelligence and positive emotions. According to Lan, this is very suitable for children at an early age, then they choose Bibalala as their child's 'teacher' at home.

Her daily learning process only takes no more than 20 minutes using the Bibalala app, but Lina's ability to listen, speak, read and write in English has improved tremendously.

Not only that, his son is also very disciplined and not fast when learning English. After using Bibalala for a while, Lina now has a decent amount of vocabulary, especially her pronunciation skills which are very close to her native accent.


This is achieved by AI voice recognition technology which helps children analyze and correct pronunciation mistakes; plus the Babilala Call and Live Class features that allow children to interact directly with foreign (native) teachers.

Lina's communication skills have improved, now she is bolder and more confident to speak English in front of crowds. In fact, he often spoke in English when going to the supermarket, playing with his favorite things.

Especially with the stories in Babilala, Lina was able to gather knowledge and skills that would be useful for her future life.

Along with a comfortable learning environment, parents find the ideal learning method; will help children form good habits and absorb English more easily and more effectively.

That is the testimony of a public figure from Vietnam who, in the midst of his busy life, has experienced the great benefits of the BIBALALA application in improving his child's English skills at a very early age. Are you interested in teaching your child to speak English more effectively?