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4 Myths that Parents Need to Know in Teaching Children English

21 Desember 2022
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Hi Bibalala Parents,

In order for children to have the opportunity to interact and learn English properly, parents need to know several approaches, methods, and things that may not be suitable or not good for their child.

Many parents want their children to be fluent in languages ​​but because some myths are not true or they often hear and finally they believe it can affect the efficiency of their children's learning.

Parents should know at least the following 4 untrue myths, so as not to reduce their children's enthusiasm for learning English, especially for those who are 4 years old.

1. Learning English from an Early Age Resulted in Brain Damage

This myth is very untrue and has negative elements because at an early age it is the right time for our children to receive a new language outside their everyday language.

Many scientists reveal that everyone can learn a foreign language at the same time. Even from a young age, children are able to hear, observe, and accept foreign languages ​​well. Children can apply their innate language learning to learn a new language.

In fact, from research, the earlier children learn a second language, the more accurate their pronunciation will be. In addition, being able to think analytically for vocabulary and linguistics also develops.

Well, for parents who still think that they are afraid of brain disorders for their children to learn foreign languages, review immediately before spending the golden time learning English for their children.

2. Learning English from kids will guarantee proficiency in adult

Some parents also think that learning English online from an early age will guarantee that their child will become more proficient in English.

This is actually a misleading point because parents need to look at the problem more closely. When children are exposed to language from an early age, they have a good ability to understand and think about language. However, not all children who learn from an early age will be proficient in English.

Good or bad, and the effectiveness of children's learning will depend heavily on the learning methods and opportunities they get when learning English. Not to mention the influence of their learning environment.

3. Not Natives, Parents Have Difficulty Helping Children to Learn

Parents are important companions in the process of learning English online for their children. Whether the child is good at English or not, the child still needs a parent nearby to be effective.

Due to online learning, many sites, apps and tools have the function of auto-correcting errors during the child's learning process. Therefore, parents can still understand the entire learning situation of their children.

4. Forcing Children To Study Intensely Is Not A Good Choice

Most parents will hire tutors and force their children to study on a tight schedule. This is very wrong, if the child lives longer then your parents will regret it more.

This will form a fear of English and unable to absorb knowledge. This is what parents think of helping their children, but inadvertently putting pressure on them.

This view is contrary to the rules of learning a foreign language, when children need to be comfortable, like and take the initiative.

Well, we already know 4 myths that are not true and should be avoided by parents. In the following, we add other things that are not recommended when teaching children English online.

a. Letting children learn English unsupervised

Parents often leave their children's English learning to online platforms, and leave them completely to learn whatever is presented. This action sometimes causes the child to fail to meet expectations.

Not only does it make children fall into ignorance, without knowing what to learn. The risk can also make children fall into other useless activities.

Parents, please accompany and choose English lessons for 4 year olds with useful and humane content.

b. Give boundaries or time limits for children to learn

When learning English through online platforms, time constraints are very important for children. At the age of 4 years, children are very curious and try to exploit new things. Parents need to limit the time so that their children do not fall into harmful content.

According to research, children should only learn a foreign language for 15-20 minutes a day, too much will lead to more boredom and knowledge overload.

Apart from study time, parents can also find English exercises for children aged 4 years to practice and review the knowledge they have acquired.

c. Continue to encourage and support children

One of the actions that parents must pay attention to in the process of teaching English online for children aged 4 years is to encourage and provide support.

Children's emotions when learning is very important and will affect the results. Every child is very happy and happy if their relatives encourage, give support while praising them when they do something.

Likewise, when children learn foreign languages, parents must give good words and ideas to children so that they remain interested and focused on learning.

d. There is no right path, only learning from experience

One of the mistakes that children make is not as good at English as they are learning, is not having a road map. Learning a language is a long process, it requires planning and goals to strive for every day.

Parents must carefully study the English curriculum for children aged 4 years according to the personality, interests and abilities of each child.

The journey to help children become proficient in English is not difficult if parents know how to see and take the right actions. Above are the problems that many parents face when teaching English online to a 4 year old child. Hopefully this information can help parents and children.