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8elements Attended the Movie Premiere Gala '2045 Apa Ada Cinta'

29 November 2022
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It's a rare moment when Indonesian moviegoers are so excited with a drama genre movie mixed with sci-fi elements. But, the film '2045 Apa Ada Cinta' takes the leap with such idea by presenting a sophisticated setting of Indonesia in the year of 2045 blended in full sets of romantic scenes and friendship intrict stories.


The film itself was produced by Max Pictures in collaboration with NUON from Telkom Indonesia. 8elements as the strategic partner of Nuon Digital Indonesia (formerly MelOn) was also invited to attend the Movie Premiere Gala, last friday (11/25), at M.H. Thamrin, Central Jakarta. '2045 Apa Ada Cinta' will be released in Indonesian cinemas on December 1st, 2022. The film's main role stars are Yasmin Napper, Cinta Brian, and Indah Kusuma.




The movie plot is Indonesia in the year 2045, a centenary after its freedom, where the technology is increasingly advanced with future imaginary concepts. Many hopes will be carried, especially from the aspect of digital technology. As stated by the director, Indra Gunawan, the film tries to show how the younger generation will have big impacts for the future of Indonesia.


"There are still very few sci-fi films in Indonesia, and we know there will be many challenges to portray the conditions in 2045. However, what makes us excited is that we, as Indonesians, must present the future now," said Indra.




The sophistication of the future offered by '2045 Apa Ada Cinta' cannot be separated from the development of artificial intelligence (AI) which is increasingly relevant to everyday life, the rise of virtual assistants in the form of holograms.


"We will not describe 2045 as something too futuristic to resemble 'Star Wars', but as simple as we hope that Indonesia will not only be more advanced in terms of using digital technology, but also more supportive for the government in realising 0 percent emissions," added the Creative Director, Uki Utama.


On the same occasion, EVP TV VIDEO Division Telkom Indonesia, Dedi Suherman, conveyed two other reasons why this is worth watching. The first is the story idea to show the changes in Indonesia in 2045 when digital technology becomes a part of everyday life, which is in line with Telkom's role as a digital telco company.




"Second, we and NUON Telkom believe that '2045 Apa Ada Cinta' is a new breakthrough in the film industry, both in terms of genre and target audience," said Dedi Suherman. "This film is made to be loved by audiences, and the production team got some ideas from the younger generation about digital technology preferences they hope to see in 2045. It must be exciting!"


So, are you curious about the concept of the future that appears in the film '2045 Apa Ada Cinta' along with the complexity of the teenage love stories in the coming decades? Make sure you're ready to watch it on December 1st, 2022!