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[RON x GV] Exclusive Flash Sale

01 Februari 2021
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We are delighted to inform you guys that there will be another new promo for valuable items exclusively on Gudang Voucher. The event will start from January 28th till February 28th, 2021!

Only available through these links below:



Check out the available packages:

EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE A = IDR 2,000,000 / PHP 6,850 / $145

- 1 set of exclusive and permanent Pandawa Costumes (armor + weapon)
- 50,000 Blue Diamonds

EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE B = IDR 2,000,000 / PHP 6,850 / $145

- 1 piece of permanent White Feather Wings
- 25,000 Blue Diamonds

EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE C = IDR 1,500,000 / PHP 5,000 / $100

- 5,000 pieces of Fodder C
- 10,000 pieces of Fodder B
- 15,000 piece of Fodder A

EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE D = IDR 1,000,000 / PHP 3,500 / $70

- 500 pieces of Large EXP Potions
- 200 pieces of Triple EXP Cards

Visit the official site and shop for your favorite items!