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Milestone Level Ends in 2020, Push Now!

23 Desember 2020
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We have launched the Milestone Level since the month of October to encourage players to level up more actively, especially with the upcoming Level 100 update.

We have been giving many rewards for every player who had reached a certain level; which are Level 70 - 75 - 80 for Chaos Isle server, and Level 85 - 90 - 95 - 100 for every player in other servers!

All players from every server (Dark Alley, Greenland, Land of Arrows, and New Chaos Isle) are very enthusiast about the loyalty program. But, we had to round-it up in this end of month, or when the new update is already implemented.

Please be prepared for a new improved loyalty program / another Milestone Level in 2021! Thank you all Legends for participating in the event!